frameworks are often used to assess several factors that can influence how
management directs the company, including benchmark comparisons with competition, market entry
feasibility, optimizing game organizational structures, IT component ROI, personnel team restructuring,
asset management, and opportunity costs, among other factors.
The end-goal of management consultancy is to optimize the management methodologies in use so that
the business operates in a better and more efficient manner.
Sales consultants are important external elements that can help a business optimize a company’s internal sales pipelines, and can also present to a company novel ways for optimizing the entire sales/marketing system that a company utilizes to convert more leads into customers. While working with the Chief Sales/Marketing Officer and strategic business analysts, sales consultants can offer a unique outside view on implementing sales funnel charts, increasing conversion rates, lowering churn rates, increasing customer loyalty, lowering customer acquisition costs (CAC), and how each can be achieved with minimal overhead.
Sales consultants can also operate as more in-depth experts on specific issues, such as offering insights on how a company merge can increase sales, or helping an enterprise to forecast sales when moving into a new region or market.
Like sales consultants, marketing consultants are effective thought-leaders and experts who can help a business radically revolutionize their marketing pipeline and systems, including:
Implementing a strategic marketing plan for long-term goals (aligned to sales forecasts).
Creating a Content marketing plan, and helping to implement it.
Helping to create plans for decreasing churn rates and increasing conversion rates, which often includes designing a system for increasing qualified leads and reducing the number of unqualified leads.
Aligning all marketing goals with a robust marketing funnel scheme that is linked to every phase of the marketing plan.
Creating and implementing an Inbound Marketing Scheme.
Senior marketing experts – who are often marketing consultants – can help a company discover novel opportunities for more advantageous marketing processes, such as identifying a new demographic to be marketed to, or creating a buyer persona plan associated with marketing regions.